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Marathon Monday in October

Stephanie Guyotte | Published on 3/27/2021

What we know so far about Boston Marathon 2021

The BAA has announced that it expects to field 20,000 runners for the 2021 Boston Marathon, which is now scheduled for Monday, October 11.

While we will miss the normal excitement of our Patriot’s Day marathon, the idea that there will be a live Boston Marathon this fall brings hope to what has been a long, challenging time for marathons!

Along with the planned in-person event (which still has a lot of details to work out), the BAA also announced a virtual component will remain an option for 2021 runners.  They are expecting 70,000 virtual runners this year.

So, if you want to run the Boston Marathon this year, here’s what we know so far:

Registration for the in-person Boston Marathon will be open from April 20-23 in Athletes’ Village section of the BAA Website.  To apply for registration, you need a valid Boston Marathon qualifying time.  Qualifying times on a USATF, AIMS or international certified course since September 15, 2018 are eligible.  If you are not accepted into the live field, you will have the option to secure a virtual spot.

Registration for the virtual Boston Marathon will open at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 30. Anyone 18+ may register for the virtual event.

We do not yet know if running clubs, like MVS, will receive time-waved bibs, as we have traditionally.  As many of you know, we have a long history of supporting the Boston Marathon with volunteers and runners.  We hope to continue our history of support for Boston Marathon in whatever form it takes this year.

We also do not expect to have busloads of volunteers able to support runners, as crowds and spectators will be very limited. 

With live races coming back now throughout New England and the BAA committed to an in person marathon, there is a lot to be hopeful for in 2021.


Road Runners Club of America USATF - New England Mill Cities Relay