Providence Marathon
Robin Condon | Published on 5/23/2021
"I keep going back to my ... I laughed. I cried. I had my picture with the Oscar Mayer Wiener-mobile." ~Marcie DiLorenzo
"It was was was a PR! Had the best time with my MVS friends, especially running with Josh for 13+ miles." ~ Elizabeth MacIver
"I finished in 5:27:21, my second slowest, after really feeling good about training. Temps got into the 70s. Not sure where my medal is. Biggest regret - not stopping at mile 25 to buy a Del’s Lemonade. If you’re going to be slow, at least having a story about crossing the finish line with a Del’s in your hand makes a good story
. The best parts of the day involved traveling and hanging out with these folks. And Elizabeth MacIver PRing because I kept her back for the first 15 miles
I swore off marathons off during the race. Anyone know of a marathon happening soon? I’d like to sign up." ~ Josh Giles
Congratulations Marcie DiLorenzo, Josh Giles, Valerie Giles, Elizabeth MacIver, and Maura Szendey Ward on your marathon!! Congratulations Margi Johnston on your half marathon!